Official prayer of the Mass (opening prayer)
Blessed István, we thank you for your strong and generous testimony.
Official prayer of the Mass (opening prayer)
We are proud to know that the Church is mother to children like you.
Obtain for us the grace of living our baptism with renewed fervour and of dedicating our life to our mission with joy and enthusiasm.
Bless your beloved country and the Church of God in Hungary.
Intercede for the order and for the entire Salesian Family.
Accompany the youth of our present age with your smile and your example. Amen.”
Workers’ daily prayer (by Bl. Stephen Sándor)
Lord Jesus, I offer to you every prayer, every work, every joy, every disappointment and burden of this day.
Grant to me and to all my fellow-workers the grace to be able to think like you, to pray, to work and to live with you.
Bestow on me the grace to be able to love you with all my heart and to serve you everywhere and with all my strength. May your kingdom come among us, in our workplaces and in our families.
May you be known and loved everywhere and always. Save us from all evil and from all sin.
May your grace assist those in danger. May those who die while working rest in peace.
Workers’ daily prayer (by Bl. Stephen Sándor)
Official prayer of the Mass (collect)
Almighty and eternal God,
Official prayer of the Mass (collect)
you gave the blessed martyr Stephen
the strength to meet trials and persecution with faith,
and the grace to offer his life for the sake of the young.
Grant, through his intercession,
that we may always work in the service of truth,
and bring the gospel of joy to all.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.”
Prayer for the glorification
Almighty God,
Prayer for the glorification
You called your servant Stephen Sándor
to be part of Don Bosco’s great SalesianFamily.
You guided him, through Mary Help of Christians,
in his difficult mission for the salvation of souls
and in sacrificing his life for Hungarian youth.
He gave witness to You.
At a time of persecution of the Church,
he promoted Catholic press,
service of the altar
education of the young.
By his faithful and loyal spirit
he pointed out to us
to the way what is good and just.
We ask You to glorify him
with the crown of martyrdom.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.